Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Every once and a while I’ll go off into the realm of explaining something like chance to try and get a point across or to illustrate something (like Predestination or Social Energy), but I want people to understand that isn’t the be all and the end all.

I’m really trying to write about the Individual Evolution, Darwin’s principles of change applied to us as individuals living our lives every day.

Each person (in fact, I would go so far as to say every living thing) goes through changes over the course of its natural life. All Darwin was saying was that species change over time, that was his original idea and I don’t think that anyone can find a scientific basis for disputing it (at least without being mocked in the scientific community).

All I’m trying to say is that people aren’t static, they change over the course of their lives (I don’t think there’s any dispute there), both physically and their mental capacities. When I was starting out, the Individual Evolution was just that idea, and I was trying to explore that idea and exactly what it told us about who we, as people, are and where we are going. I thought that might be helpful.

What I came to, and what I am continuing to find more and more true each day, is that we, as people, are defined every moment of our lives. There is a Buddhist philosophy that “I was not the same person I was a year ago” and all that I have done is shrunken the time intervals. After all, while the change from who I was then to who I am now may be gradual, my dynamics are constantly changing, and so I am not the exact same person I was a moment ago. Even in the amount of time it has taken me to type the last letter and the period in this sentence, I will be becoming a different person.

Most of my dynamics as a person will remain the same, but this is just Darwin’s natural selection in my life as an individual. My whole being won’t completely change in an instant. It’s pretty rare that a person is redefined in a heartbeat.

Think of time like a river. A river doesn’t cut a canyon in a moment, it starts as a stream, but over time it completely changes the landscape, it completely redefines the space around it. Think of that slowly forming canyon like a habit or a personality trait. Something, some event, can habit that changes the flow of that water and changes that habit or trait. (monotony strengthens these habits and traits) That is our mutation, if monotony sinks back in afterwards we will become more and more rooted in that person that we became, and as time passes the stream flows deeper and becomes much harder to move.

We are that landscape, with our characteristics constantly deepening, occasionally being shifted by cataclysm. Every moment that the river flows over us our personality traits become a little bit more defined and we change, whether it’s for the better I don’t think we can ever really know. There are certainly positives and negatives to every situation.

In any circumstance, we become who we are over time, constantly moving towards who we will be when we die.

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